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Fourth & Fifth Grade

  • Students switch classes for the first time. The 4th/5th Team Teachers each provide instruction for the subject areas they specialize in.

  • Students are required to use a daily class planner and an expandable folder with tabs for each subject to help them stay organized

  • We only write in cursive!

  • Students start writing in the 5 Paragraph Format.

  • We teach all subjects every day.

  • Fourth and fifth graders can participate in extracurricular activities;  Altar Servers, Safety Patrol, Choir, Scouts, Ski Club, and Drama Club. 

  • Students can join the St. Mary CYO sports teams for volleyball, cross country, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, and baseball. 

  • We also offer vicariate sports teams combined with other local Catholic schools for football, softball, and track. 

  • We go on an overnight camping trip at Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center.

  • 4th graders can now join choir.

A Typical Day in Fourth & Fifth Grade at St. Mary

  • Morning Homeroom: Students listen to morning announcements and get any important information from their homeroom teacher.

  • Morning Class Rotations: The 4th and 5th Grade students travel to classes (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Religion).

  • Specials: It's time for students to spend time in Spanish, Computers, Gym, Art, Music, or Library.

  • Lunch Time and Recess

  • Afternoon Class Rotations: The 4th and 5th Grade students travel to classes (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Religion)

  • Afternoon Homeroom Students return to their homerooms for the last 20 minutes of the day to clean-up, pack-up, and fill out academic planners

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Maryann Bucia

Middle School Teacher


Angela Clark

Middle School Teacher


Judy Amster

Middle School Teacher


Ronald Merritt

Middle School Teacher

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Ashley Ziemman

Middle School Teacher

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Fourth & Fifth Grade Highlights

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