A Note from the Principal
May the love and peace of Jesus be with you! Fr. Paul Snyder and our entire school community would like to express what a privilege it is to welcome you and offer a warm greeting as you explore St. Mary Catholic School.
When we walk into the classrooms, we see in the children’s faces what we love about St. Mary School… happy children who feel safe, appreciated, and loved! St. Mary Catholic School provides the environment necessary to produce well-educated young minds and spiritually-motivated children of God.
St. Mary Catholic School is a highly-valued ministry of our parish community. Our Pastor, Fr. Paul is committed to a visible presence in and support of our school. He shares the Catholic faith with our students in a way that helps them to know the joy and love that comes from Jesus. St. Mary is a strong community, providing an important “church family” for our students and their families.
The mission of St. Mary Parish is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to Royal Oak, and our area of Southeastern Michigan, so that it becomes more like God’s vision. The work of our school shares in this mission in an integral way as we teach our children each day to know, love, and serve God, and to share Jesus with others. We should all be proud to have a parish school that shares in this mission, and we are all called to support the great work of our school.
St. Mary School at a Glance
Average K-8 Class Size
of our teachers have a Master's degree in Education
of our student body is Catholic
schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit, our End of Year Star 360 test scores were in the top quartile

cities in the Metro Detroit represented in our student body